Linux Format October 2015, PDF

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//-->INSIDE:FREE SOFTWARE UNDER ATTACK65Get into Linux today!Pages oftutorials,and featuresThe best Linux filesystems:Secure, robust and fastUpgrade your desktopMaster Secure FTPEasy Dropbox-like backups+The definitive guide to every key Linux distroDesktop Server Beginner Expert Old PCsbestDistro2015torKodi ialy PiTuRaspberrRoboticsHATReviewsRaspberry PiTutorial:SetPKodi 14a centrea mediIn brief...TPyDisplay-O-Tron HAthonupe touch interface,lots of LEDs and a capacitivlights.An LCD screen withto hack his name inLes Poundergets readyC 14 penELEhe latest Ograde to tel.ou can up  the next levp tos how yaexplain ainment setutertk SharmMayane your home en takandOurertexpbasedimoroni, the Sheffieldhas enjoyedcompany of makers,its variousgreat success withproducts and itsRaspberry Pi-relatedAn LCD screenHAT, lookslatest board, Display-O-Tronfeaturing a fullycontrollable seriesto continue that, as its nameof multi-colourDisplay-O-Tron HATobotics is an excitingboard thatway to introduce peopleLEDs and aMICHAsuggests, a HAT-complianttoEL HORNprogramming but itratouchmapping, a standardcapacitivecan also be a little difficultset by the RaspberryEANDTIMall 40 pins on theSpotify, Pandofits neatly on top ofPi Foundation.sometimes for newcomersbe,RICHAinterface. SomeA great reference forRDSON2. Measuringn SaturdPias YouTuthe GPIO isto get to grips withas being expensive.break out of theA+, B+ and Raspberryas wellay 5 Decemes, explainsEnabling anyone toservicand 56mm in height,teamsthere areBroadcom pin mapping.ber, 32create an easy toGPIO pins fromwill gatherbuild and cost-effective65mm infrom onlinewidthRaspbian,distrorobot is a significantat theCambridgecentrethe Raspberry Pifiles andDisplay-O-TronKodion top oftheHAT matchesmore.step in theirf geeky learning. So in this tutorialLaboratoryted mediaComputerRadiotheto thewe shall build our owncan installon the Pi perfectlydedicao all kinds oboarde to takeLEC. Therobot andcreate a Python 3 libraryscrew holes presentce aPi Wars,While youpart inBoot your Raspberryenables possibleberry Pi to dg uses for ththat produthat enables anyoneing OpenEbe securedthis year’sthe RaspbPi to the desktop andbased one Raspto control it., includprojectsthe boards toFor this projectandst interestin  PC (or HTPC).  use thopen a terminal,basedintegration intoerryyou can find the iconseveralenablesdevicefocus of thebuildslinedou canPi.robotiasedPCB and goldyou will need: any model of Raspberryin the menu barcs comp Pi challenge-heatremanyns ne of the moy the timedifferentARM-bcesSporting a sleek blackRaspbian (www.raspberryfor projects. The mainstream the Raspberry thatPi;teamsthe screen. In the LXTerminalwillat the top left corner ofetitiont produHAT fitsyou readthings but o is that of a home t fact that it ruA robustfor,build Pi-powthe Display-O-Tronprojects. have beenincludingtype the following and. ThepeopleLes Poundera Wi-Fi dongle Enterthis theLEC projecHAT is an largelettering,and Pi connected tod the Display-O-Tronrms,ur ownand thenPi.manypressOpenEto run:$ sudo raspi-configpitAstro-Piered robotson saleyour home router; alittle device   hardware ans platfoLCD screenPython 2 libraryits basetravels the UKover your RaspberryLEC forneatlyandr building yoUSB battery pack,forthemselveswill. Using the arrow keysOpenEfor variouedge ofcharacter by three lines of theoice fonavigate to Advanced(non-destrucinitial produ we understand a number ofworking with thesimplifies the useKodifor withall sizeood chtoany knowltread.The compOptions and press Enter.against ourXF203_Robot_kit),weekstive) coursetheThe smhas alreadL298N motor controlleradvantage distroclearRaspberry PianIne it a really gof thelete setThethat’s exceptionallywithouthere areg anyboard forA few ofbe wantin ction run. Ifand veryXF203_L298N);y sold-os.thethe LCD screenturninyou’reof teststhe challeFoundationsilently mak nt centre.gut itscontroller for athoroufour AA batteries andcan useanytheof user.apps foris prettychangedyouUnderneathnges haveown Astro- to run the same excited asPC islevelasgh, justboard as a timelapseanysome Blu-tack.spacedelivering itsimpressivethis you’lland SPI (Serialcapable of creatingwhat you’dagencyentertainmebest open source media centrespacePi andsix RGBknownforcourseOur obstac beenReceiver/Transmitter)aLinux OS.LED,Picademy training.capablethetestsnalnature or science project. Building is robot chassis is a great activityit bouncIn the mean we’ll haveexpecthas beenformerlydiffused under theOne offunctioLEC buildof landinforleThere’s alsoand the kita full guide on youred a bitof this boardplayer,He can be foundOpenEcolour which is thenchangis idealbattle hastime thePeripheral Interface).g a probe from ainto a fullyfor a DecemThe only downside (mentioned above) comes with everything– onofficialgrab thenext issue.a fluid cloud ofLEC hostsKodimediaAstro-Pice, whichhacking newbeen replac ed: the SumoGPIO pins,– evencomputerblog:http:/a comet. Findthat you need toHTPC,Theget2 is stillLCD screen to producetoandts, OpenEvs robotis still onaccessPisfive standardifSoyuz-45S ber 2015 blastrechristenedup yourthe Python library. Python started. You will need to solder thet user interfa projectors.project andThereout more/ called ed with a robottrackred and black wirescomponentsother projecrecentlyoff in theandilluminates the LCD.a 10-fooeasilygreat to see thebethe motor terminals,at thestart settingtoblogging abouthas beenTolight whichPi. As withtosingle-core Raspbastrotest.which means that extracan bethe Europ rocket. In prepa‘Pi Noon’thedisplaysRussiarelevant but it wouldif you can’t solder thenright of. KodiusesandHAT-errycreenLEDs thereplacednand Golfean SpaceXBMCrationlnow is a greatthem all atwith Python 3fromdownloadedadded to a Display-O-Tronelementstime to learnare an additional sixolderfromto large-sfor theReturnthe Raspbcan bewith SkittleAstro-Pifor thea bar graph. Alsoa friend or a local hackspace.library being updateddisplayAgencyalso contro you caning toaOnce you’ve SD card, eitherimagesintothrougconnecting ergonomichas been launchl. You canbeen done the chassisproject easily. This isthe LCDWith withdifferentarrangedones.Line Follow the competition s.hastosupport, which hasSharmaThe tests h its rigorousbuilt, we now focusUsingKodig filesputtinge controHATana poweredquad-coreer it onareas theinterfaceon the motorer courseare: thephone.Mayankpelled to for a HAT-basedsuch whicha remottest regimtheonnewerthe Display-O-Tronfollowscover everytcontrollertransfpresentsmartthepowers playinsensorusingrefreshing feature; the distanis an L298N H bridgeprevious Pimoroni boards,v/sddt it andtouchand, ase.buttons,w  as comdraw, vacuuchallengeAndroidhing fromt. Besidecontroller. An H bridgenavigatedfetchg of=/deas typically they prevent accessce-his Pi enables a motor toseriesextracimage,of capacitiveProximtestingSpeedboardany formaKodican alsousing yourits electrset up so Explorer HAT Pro.go forwards and backwards.the dd commwhich Alert;Test andit in launch m exposureinputcentre virtuallyicalplaybackOur L298NHATwhich reduces the numberdevices,media has is a greatthewhich detectnELEC-RPi2.edia ine on the autonLinux usingtouchprotecthe GPIO,Pi,Three Pointconditions tests to vibratThe Display-O-Tron two outputs for our motors, theld bingstorage Disk ImagertoRaspberrymultimtive coatinrkif=Opeeven throughomousused in.left side is served byhe couviews ionand addinBy providing a solidOUT1 and 2, the rightexceptionally sensitiveWin32card into theprojects that they can besudo ddpisodeg to stopand netwooff solderthese main Turn challenge.ofws using the Display-it on.board to hack OUT3 and 4. Connectall his e . ga‘tin whiskenablethejoints.As wellfrom localchallenges,the wires fromand power straightyour you’ll be able3mm of Windoandto insertor fromacrylicasof Friendsers’ breaklookingboard and Python library motors to these terminals and ensureneedyouinside ofportHDMIaat the aesthe we will beingrthey are secure.a batteryHAT toThen yoube mountedvia thewill taketoAAproject packOurO-TronTVcessoandbuild qualitytics of theto add an LCD displayconnects to +12V andquicklyup to yourLCD screen there(or its predethe Display-O-Tron is aGND terminal.or add a torobotsWe also need touchforcase. Just above theprettyhook itupplayerSoftwareany issuesblinkiness! , code qualityconnect one of thewithout a mass of wiresmediaand sheer ,GND from our RaspberryLEC boots(General Purposen’t have2 library based upon the originalAll of thePi a traditional microsomeare a series of GPIOused theOpenEcontributechallengesinterface rather than to the L298N GND terminal. On thep, you shouldPythonspendIf you’vetothat are broken outL298N we can seepoints3000 board. InstallationCOMPATIBILITYon mechanism.pins marked IN1 toInput Output) pinsthe desktowill needintoKodi.fourto an overalDisplay-O-Tronthisand a chanconswitch/pushbuttIN4. These are inputstage ofer, youbeforePi and require ato an installthat we use tol scoree to winbe the L298Nconnectfun and withXMBCfrom the)RaspberryPi. Howevuse.take advantois relatively easy thanksterrificprizes fromHacking should alwaysto our Raspberry Piit on thefor generalcentresponsors.GPIO (Generalin a terminalbefun platform Output)Purpose Input forournavigatingheader to be solderedmediascript that canandrunmenuthis HAT we have aWe willuring theand ground aspins.also beLXFh theKodifrom Pimoroni’s website. Thetime configto powerThere’s accessenvironment.ByYwelcomingdirectlysettings andand Tellhackers of all abilities. turning a GPIO pin on or off we canCircuit),TIBILITscroll througliststo controlexhibitorstrigger the inputShowCOMPAspecialised keyboard topins accordingly andwell as I2C (Inter-IntergratedsectiondifferentPython library has functionscreatiowith theircontrol the motor direction.very monthThe L298N boardLEC. Thiswere ableunder fiveAll Pi’sroboticUse yourWeisns andconnected our inputse theUART (Universal Asynchronousto the distroaspects of the HAT and we> OpenEa newonallprizespackedtrying to winthe pointto the following GPIOThe screw terminals. Therefull of components.Pi killerSystemcan changin quickly and write thebest 2pins: IN1 to 17, IN2s relatedappears,that thehead tory, youto 22, IN3 to 18 andconnectionsothermarkeenablewill also be abetween then optioncategoto able to divePiIN4 to 23. We usedbatteries, RaspberrytplacearoundPimissinlovelythe Broadcom pinPi andareagthe suppo is a communitymotors. There areconfiguratioFrom the Systemnot just“Hello World” with acustomaryfor youvariousimages in our repositoryrt of thelow-cobasedefore meetmorecourtesy ofPi vendost hardwPi FoundcategoOrangeDisplay-O-Tron HATPi, beforers andcolour-changing sequencebargains!are. ThisPi runnination,the IBMand a for loop.monthMore inform grab someg thecore CortePC there the Amiga, andDeveloper:Pimoroni yOTronHAT, it’s thethe backlight functionsfound atation(justbeforex A7 1.6GH AllWinner H3was theHAT ahttp:/Web:UbuntuSoC aDEC PDP-8computer about) deskt/piwars.orgcan beSo is the Display-O-Tronz chip.theandquad-As wellop-sizedtogglePrice:£22a/I athat Raspbian but It’ll run AndroSecuring yourck, thenitem? No, in fact it’s quitebusinesssuccessfulVideo’the first8/10our Camb organising PiWe set up an SSH serverid 4.4,> Playbanoveltythe poormeanscommto ‘Match isDue to its GPIO accessWars andcomponentson our Raspberry Pi> Videoridge RaspbFeaturesimpressiveno usethese were machine of itsh Rate’ckat the start of9/10this project, so nowSystemRefresversatilefromare accelelogged in anyhave, in assocerry Jam,type. Launc ylet’s use it to remotelysystemto the chassisused untilascommand enteredh out playbaDisplayPerformanceOne theisn’tcontrol our robot.them obsoleration.9/10connect external components,smootwe canaudio, suchLinux we can run the‘Adjusthed inthe IBMbeen workin iationwill output onwePi. Navigatethere (www but not if theTo changyourwith Theto the directory whereisIt’s answay tosshcommand from1968Easeeven motorimportant,of usete. A saved Hut,Anotherthe terminal.buzzers9/10g on theTo SSH into our robotPi-powmake surete to Setting eandre your Pihas recrea in 1981 maderough forsuch as LEDs,EduKitTo run the test codethe menus > Skins. Alsowe need to know itsered copy.third CamJandtest.pyfiles., navigatosuchValuertin the terminal type– RobotprojectswillIP address, which weted a faithfuon. Gothe ‘Enablwrote down earlier,navigating Settingsaudio passththe optionis cleverIt’s mad,sudo python3 test.pyambe draggedics. Thisturnedcontrollers, which enables.Press EnterSepteandtoenableand the robot will comekit,. It’s alsot and toggle on a slowfor your next project.the name of the user; typicallylit’smber/ration isA greatquite acheck thatdueskin, headDolby. To Audio Outpurobots to be controlled and provideby the robot.boardRaspberry Pi. We thenalongto lifeinpi for aopen sourc pointless butfree tosequence. Great it works!are acceleasif you are on the>everything October, contaand perform the testPi 2 packswell supported by antype the following into a terminalration and are’ and notcreatedo init sureFinally,Welle hardwWe used Blu-tackbuilt andproceed:$ sshthat hardw> Systemyour own!> AcceleinstoRaspberryyou canyou needoption.output via the HAT.Video‘Hardwlibrary.pi@IP ADDRESS.cut down >are soBut lets open an interactivetothe> Videock.rough’the GUIMore detailshttp:/easy to use Python 2sto buildd is setyou canbut forPython 3 session andAlthoughSystemsome tweaks her playbaPassthReplaceIP ADDRESSboard to the Pia long-term/’reofa robot.also reduceGPIO accesst connection,tothe robot with$ sudothe kitlive codeing Methothere arewith your Pi’s IP. YousmootTheSettingActortheprojecthttp:/python3 -i. Wepipd.LCD screenhere, to 5fps.Being HAT-compliant theby headingclearance sufficient for addingcable tiesvideowill be promptedpunch,the Decodinternefor the Pi password,you’reresult in/camjam.mcan becan now import the robotfoundlibrary and run the samewhich is typically raspberry,. While‘Downloaddown theLEC thatsLCD screenidth usageare better.underneath is alsocovers alldisabling thefunctions as per theatAally if youre/edukit.OpenE‘Software’large 16x3video tweak involveand oncecan turnbandwplayingDisplay-O-Trontest.pyfile. Toespecis, youreturn to the terminalPi camera, whichandboard. It’steds whento theto 720p,just press CTRL+d.Head toFor starterupdatedominates the>but alsooption.the official Raspberryscreen40 GPIO pins,Libraryplayback-rela of theisresolution to a Full HDTV. changeherof using thenails’rateclearAnotherand crisp displayplaybackctedin smootout some pins.opens up the prospectThumbt, andbreaksrefreshLes Pounderruns throughhow to build abusting custom robotfor scaring the cat. simple but elegant, budget-P3:Buildi useryour first robotGivingyouyour fillofdelicious Raspberry PiReviewsXxxRPi WarsYOurexpertSoftware setupOand RoboticsAstroand st-Pi in spaceores nowBThe space-bspace test ased Pi HATing andgoehits the s through finastores.lnews,reviews andtutorialsECd OpenELDownloaLibrary upgradePisALLFeatures at a glanceVerdictEDoes theRassome com pberry Pihavepetition?The $15 Orange PiThe PiDP-8/IThe grandaQuicktipRemote connectionBddydesktop PC get of thes Pi’dplaybackOptimiseRating9/10connes>resultstheOutpulegible in direct sunlight.> VideoHTPC isn’tmatching watched, which going to Settingit bys > Systemto 720p.t skin,Settingvideo being can enabletion optione the defaul ters, to ack. Youthe Resolu trick is to replacp compu makes playbafor desktoAnotherwhichdesignedAeon Nox,which was skin, such asrmat.comightlightwewww.linuxfo20153 October70 14:3008/09/2LXF203.pi_tut1.indd68October 2015LXF2036766LXF20www.linuxformat.comLXF203.pi_int.indd 663October 201508/09/2015 14:21www.linuxformat.com08/09/2015 14:46Freedom fighterTroubleshootingOur utopia is a world withno proprietary softwareLinux gamingPlus:Pi User!8-page Raspberry Pi companionLXF203.pi_tut2.indd 709/11/1510:30AMJohn Sullivanon 30 years of the FSFp42Essential news & reviewsBuild your first robotUpgrade to Kodi 14Network toolsBecome a network hackerwith essential terminal toolsSteam Vs GoGThe best Linux digitalgaming services testedWelcomeGet into Linux today!We support the open source communityby providing a resource of information, anda forum for debate.We help all readers get more from Linux with ourtutorials section – we’ve something for everyone!We license all the source code we print in ourtutorials section under the GNU GPL v3.We give you the most accurate, unbiased andup-to-date information on all things Linux.What we doWho we areThis issue we asked our experts: What’s the bestnew Linux distro you’ve discovered this year?Distros, distros everywhere…It’s that time of the year when we feel it’s right to lookback and smash all the best distros together and seewhich is left standing! This year there’s a big shadowover the distro world cast by the new Canonical IP policy. We’veasked for a licence and were told we don’t need one todistribute vanilla Ubuntu images, which is lovely but what if wedon’t? So no more megamixes. It’s an important issue, not justfor us, as it could ultimately entirely change the distrolandscape as we know it.As we’ve looked at in the past, Ubuntu is responsible formore distros than any other. Technically they’re all fathered byDebian, but Ubuntu brings so much to the party it is fair to saymany wouldn’t exist without Ubuntu. Certainly using licensingcan work, though it never reflects well, Mint went through thisback in early 2014. It’s understandable Canonical wants toprotect the business it’s built up around Ubuntu, but perhapsit’s time for a model like Red Hat has with Fedora and CentOS,or is that how it now perceives Linbuntu and Xubuntu?Last year we delved into the family trees of each distro topick the best of each lineage. For 2015 we’re being far moredirect, pitting the best big-name desktop distros head to head.Ubuntu will clash with Mint, Fedora will grapple with Mageia andOpenSUSE will slap around whoever takes it on. See the resultsfrom page 32 onwards!Our other big feature this month is on how the Free SoftwareFoundation has turned 30-years old. It’s a great landmark and Ishudder to think what the world would look like without such amovement. We have an interview with the FSF second-in-command on page 42 and look into how the FSF and FreeSoftware Confederacy are protecting the GNU General PublicLicense (GPL) 30 years on. We expect it’ll still be here and moreimportant than ever 30 years from now. Viva el software libre!Jonni BidwellIt’ll take a cataclysmic event to stop meusing Arch, but I was really impressed withthe latest elementary OS beta. It’s a slickcombination of old and new desktop styleswith all the good bits of Ubuntu under thehood. It won’t scare newbies, but meddlerswill be well served by the tweak tool.Les PounderMy favourite distribution of 2015 has to beMageia. As a long time Debian user I wastruly surprised at just how good it was.Mageia has the right balance of powerfeatures and manages a gentle learningcurve for new users. Download the imageand take it for a spin!Nick PeersI chose Minibian to power my Raspberry Pi2, it’s a minimalist version of the officialRaspbian distro, which has been recentlyoptimised to take more advantage of the Pi2’s faster hardware. Minibian allows me tofocus the Pi’s limited resources on servingup media over my network.Mayank SharmaI finally retired my power-guzzling, full-formFreeNAS desktop and switched to theOpenMediaVault distro which I run on thesecond-gen Raspberry Pi. The Pi 2 isoverclocked to 800MHz and hooked to aUPS for enhanced availability. It has enoughjuice to power my home-office NAS setup.Alexander TolstoyI’ve been comparing Linux filesystemsquite a lot rather than distros recently (seep24 for my Roundup)but I came across theexcellent Elive, which manages to supportReiser4 out of the box. It ships with recentpatches and bug-fixes and boasts goodSSD support. In certain scenarios it’sperformance is astonishingly quick!Neil Mohr,Editorneil.mohr@futurenet.comOn digital and print, see 2015LXF2033Subscribe & save!ContentsReviewsOnePlus 2...........................17Dubbed the Flagship Killer of 2016, is thenew OnePlus smartphone with its impressivespec and OxygenOS – its own take onAndroid – going to slay all the competition?“I’m an idiot… at least this one (bug) took about 5 minutes to find.” – Linus Torvaldsdistro2015Fire up the most powerfuldistro in town! We test thebiggest desktop namesso you don’t have to p32Roundup:Linux filesystemsp24BtrfsExt4Reiser4XFSZFSbestAt £239 for the 16GB edition, theOnePlus 2 is well priced for the spec.Intel Core i7-6700K...........18The next-gen of processors is here and we’rewondering why we’re not blow away ratherthan experiencing just a light breeze?Something good has to be in there…Libre Office 5.0..................19Discover what’s new in the office suite that’sbeing rolled out to the UK government.A new interface for starters and much more!We even use it in the office. Amazing.Good old Games..............20Games are coming to Linux! So they’relargely proprietary but at least we get to playgames! We pit GoG and Steam head to headto see which service comes out on top.Dirt Showdown,another racing gamedonuts its way onto Linux.Steam..................................21The digital distribution platform from ValveSoftware goes up against GoG in our head tohead. Should you be supporting a DRM freeservice or the big-boy on the block?InterviewDistributions shouldnot steer users towardnon-free software.John Sullivan on freedom and softwarep42www.linuxformat.comDirt Showdown................22Brum brum! Get your engines revving as wereview the latest AAA title to hit Linux – if acouple of years late – it’s more of a smashand grab than a racing game.4     LXF203 October2015on your Free dVdMint 17.264-bit,opensUse 13.264-bit,bodhi &Manjaro32-bitOnly the best distros every month.PLUS:Exclusive Linux training videosp96Subscribe& save!p30Raspberry Pi UserPi news...................................66The latest from the Pi Foundation and what projects are hot to back on Kickstarter.In-depth...Inside the FSF .......................48For 30 years the FSF has championed software freedom, we look at this good fight and see what brawls lie in store over the next 30 years.Display-O-Tron .......................67A Pi HAT born to display, brandishing a LCD, a ton of LEDs and much more.Build a robot .........................68The Python and hardware you need to take your first step onto the robot building ladder.Kodi 14.2 on the Pi ...............70Upgrade to the latest release of Kodi 14.2 and OpenELEC to get a cutting-edge media centre on your Raspberry Pi, you’ll love it!Software freeeeeeeeedom!Coding AcademySystem coding: TCP ............84Dr. Chris Brownis trying to network his way to the next world, and he can, as he knows TCP/IP.  Discover how the kernel gets online and sends out its little data packages.TutorialsLinux basicsGet a new desktop............74Nick Peerstakes a lick of paint to his Linuxdesktop and shows you how easy it is toswitch out an old one for a new one.Elixir........................................88If only all Greeks knew the elixir of life, MihalisTsoukalos will have to make do with the functional programing language, but at least he might bring some life back to the economy.File securityMaster sFTP.......................76New boyAfnan Rehmanthinks everyoneshould be able to use secure FTP and isgoing to show you how, handy.Regulars at a glanceNews.............................6Subscriptions ...........30 Back issues ...............55The fridge is hacked and the laptops got a backdoor, everyone panic! We whoop about the record numbers of contributors to Linux kernel 4.2 and speculate about Ubuntu 15.10.Subscribe or we’ll dob you into the GCHQ or the NSA!You! Quiet at the back! Did you miss our Coding Academy issue? Bag a copy LXF202 while you still can!Sysadmin...................56Mr. Brown’sexperience of living in a shed has prompted him to give Next month ...............98Do we have to think about next month already? Create the ultimate media streaming home set up.Dive into using sFTP, it’s easy!Mailserver...................11More musings on 32-bit systems. Building your own 64-bit system and more controveries!Administeria a security theme this month, focusing on the joys of Kali Linux and its 600 pen testing tools…FilesharingSyncthing..........................78Neil Bothwickloves to share, in fact he justwon’t stop sharing everything. Please!Someone make him stop! His latest tool oftorture isSyncthing.User groups................15again and noting their every move.HotPicks ....................60Alexander Tolstoy isn’t in China arming himself with the best FLOSS: Les Pounder has been stalking LUGs watching military marches, he’s TroubleshootingAdvanced networking....80Our subscriptions teamis waiting for your call.Your Linux distro comes crammed with alow-level network tools and we’re going toshow you how to use them. Don’t be scared!Mihalis Tsoukaloswill hold your hand.Roundup ....................24a bunch of the best to the test.Kdenlive, MuseScore, Haguichi, Claws Mail, DFileManager, Advanced Whonix, Clamav-GUI.Considering a new filesystem? We put Photo, Dillo, 2048, Protostriker M, 2015 LXF203   5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
