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//-->LaRoucheP5A5C5Childrenof SatanIVCheney’sCheney’s‘Schmittlerian’‘Schmittlerian’Drive forDrive forDictatorshipDictatorship$SuggestedContribution5LaRoucheP A C555P.O. Box 6157Leesburg, Virginia 20178www.larouchepac.comCHILDREN OF SATANIVCheney’s‘Schmittlerian’ DriveFor DictatorshipINCLUDESAlito and theFührerprinzip• Cheney and the ‘Schmittlerian’ DriveFor Dictatorship • Carl Schmitt: Dick Cheney’sÉminence Grise• Fascist ‘Feddies’ March Through the Institutions• What’s a ‘Rohatyn’? • Felix Rohatyn, New York Dictator, 1975-82COVER: Vice President Dick Cheney: World Economic Forum; Adolf Hitler, Nuremberg rally, 1934.© January 2006LLPPA-2006-001Paid for by the Lyndon LaRouche PAC, P.O. Box 6157, Leesburg, VA 20178.www.larouchepac.comand Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate's CommitteeJudge Samuel Alito andTheFührerprinzipby Jeffrey Steinberg2006, in front-page story, theOn Jan. 5,identifieda Judge Samuel Alito,Wall StreetJournalPresidenthe was confronted with the awesome responsibility ofpreparing the United States for world war. On Sept. 8,1939, at a press conference following his Proclamationof Limited Emergency, as war was erupting in Europe,FDR assured the American people, “There is no inten-tion and no need of doing all those things that could bedone. . . . There is no thought in any shape, manner, orform, of putting the Nation, in its defenses or in its inter-nal economy, on a war basis. That is one thing we wantto avoid. We are going to keep the nation on a peacebasis, in accordance with peacetime authorizations.”George W. Bush’s nominee to replace Justice SandraDay O’Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court, as a leadingproponent of the savagely unconstitutional doctrine ofthe “unitary executive.” The idea of the “unitary execu-tive,” which forms the core dogma of the ultra-right-wing Federalist Society, to which Judge Alito belongs, ismore properly identified by its modern historicalname—theFührerprinzip,authored by the Nazi regime’sanointed “Crown Jurist” Carl Schmitt. Schmitt’s doc-trine, that the charismatic head of stateisthe law, andcan assert absolute dictatorial authority during periodsof emergency, has been used to legitimize every totali-tarian regime in the West, from Hitler, to Gen. FranciscoFranco in Spain, to Gen. Augusto Pinochet in Chile, toPresident George W. Bush and Vice President DickCheney in the United States.TheWall Street Journalquoted Judge Alito from aNovember 2000 speech, delivered, appropriately, beforea Federalist Society convention in Washington, D.C. TheConstitution, Alito declared, “makes the President thehead of the Executive Branch, but it does more thanthat. The President has not justsomeexecutive powers,buttheexecutive power—the whole thing.”Judge Alito elaborated, “I thought then”—referring tohis 1980s tenure at the U.S. Justice Department’s Office ofLegal Counsel—“and I still think, that this theory best cap-tures the meaning of the Constitution’s text and structure,”adding that, in his view, the Framers “saw the unitaryexecutive as necessary to balance the huge power of thelegislature and the factions that may gain control of it.”After reviewing theWall Street Journalaccount, LyndonLaRouche declared, “If Judge Alito does in fact adhere tothe views reported in theWall Street Journal,he shouldnot be allowed near any court—certainly not the UnitedStates Supreme Court—except as a defendant.” LaRoucheinsisted that Alito’s nomination must be decisively defeat-ed in the Senate, or the Supreme Court will fall fatally intothe hands of a cabal of outright “Schmittlerian” Nazis, ledby Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, andAlito—all members of the self-avowed “conservative revo-lutionary” Federalist Society.LaRouche counterposed the outright Nazi doctrine ofthe Federalist Society proponents of the “unitary execu-tive” (Führerprinzip) to the American System principlesinvoked by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, when2Cheney and 9/11FDR’s respect for the U.S. constitutional system ofchecks and balances, and separation of powers, stands instark contrast to the assault on the Constitution, launchedby Vice President Cheney even before Sept. 11, 2001.As LaRouche prophetically warned, in testimonydelivered on Jan. 16, 2001 to the U.S. Senate JudiciaryCommittee, opposing the nomination of John Ashcroftas Attorney General, the Cheney-led BushAdministration came into office committed to govern-ment-by-crisis-management, modelled on the Hitler Nazidictatorship in Germany. LaRouche warned that the BushAdministration would seek, at the first opportunity, a“Reichstag Fire” justification for dictatorship, all based onthe legal theories of Hitler’s Carl Schmitt. It was Schmitt,who wrote the legal opinion, based on the “unitary execu-tive,”Führerprinzip,that justified Hitler’s declaration ofemergency dictatorial rule on Feb. 28, 1933—twenty-fourhours after the Reichstag, the German parliament, was setablaze by agents of Hitler’s own Herman Göring.The aftermath of 9/11 proved that LaRouche was 100%right. On Dec. 19, 2005, in a press conference aboard AirForce Two, Vice President Cheney flaunted the fact thathe came into office in January 2001, committed to rollingback the legislative safeguards, passed by Congress andsigned into law by Presidents Gerald Ford and JimmyCarter, in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal and therevelations about illegal FBI and CIA spying on Americancitizens. In calling for a rollback of those post-Watergate“infringements” on Presidential power, Cheney was, ineffect, declaring war on the most sacred principles writteninto the U.S. Constitution.Cheney’s stooge, President Bush, certified his own adher-ence to the sameFührerprinzipwhen he recently signed thedefense budget, and invoked the “unitary executive” rightunleash several decades ofterror, which would spreadto other parts of South andCentral America, through aHenry Kissinger-approvedregional death-squad pro-gram called “OperationCondor.”Among the Americanbankers and governmentofficials who ran thePinochet coup, from theoutset, were:• Felix Rohatyn, theLazard Brothers banker andITT director. Rohatyn, a pro-tégé of leading World WarII-era Synarchist bankerThe events of 9/11 were theAndré Meyer, orchestratedSynarchists’ 21st-Centurythe 1971 ITT takeover of‘Reichstag Fire’ (the original is atHartford Insurance, and,left). Adding Samuel Alito (above)along with ITT Chairmanto the Supreme Court of the UnitedHarold Geneen, helped over-States is meant to help consolidatetheir coup.see the overthrow of Allendefrom his post on the ITTboard. Two years after theto ignore the bill’s explicit ban on torture. The McCainPinochet coup, Rohatyn would impose the sameAmendment, banning torture of American-held prisonersHitlerian/Schachtian austerity policies on New York City,in the “Global War on Terror,” was passed by an over-through his chairmanship of the Municipal Assistancewhelming, veto-proof bipartisan majority in both the HouseCorporation (“Big MAC”).and the Senate, yet the President asserted his “constitu-• George Shultz, Richard Nixon’s Treasury Secretary,tional” authority as commander-in-chief, to ignore Congress.who orchestrated the breakup of FDR’s Bretton Woodssystem on behalf of the Synarchist bankers, travelled toPinochet and HitlerChile, following the Pinochet coup, and gave his personalDespite the events of 9/11, the Synarchist bankersimprimatur to the regime’s radical free-trade economicbehind Cheney did not fully succeed in their scheme forpolicies, including the looting-by-privatization of thedictatorship and the overthrow of the Constitution. Bothcountry’s pension system. The same privatization of Socialthe Congress and the American people put up sufficientSecurity was attempted by the Bush Administration lastresistance to partly stymie the efforts to impose crisis-year—with Shultz’s enthusiastic backing. Himself a prod-management-style Executive branch rule-by-decree. Theuct of the University of Chicago Economics DepartmentMay 2005 bipartisan “Gang of 14” Senate revolt againstof Milton Friedman and the “Chicago Boys” who ran theCheney’s so-called “nuclear option” to strip the Senate ofeconomic policy of the Pinochet dictatorship, Shultz hasits Constitutional role of “advise and consent” representedbeen the behind-the-scenes Svengali of the Bush-Cheneya particularly significant setback for the Synarchist cabal.Administration, steering it in an explicitly “Pinochet”But the Cheney gang’s vision for America shows clearlydirection, promoting a bankers’ dictatorship of radicalin Chile, a South American nation targetted for “the Hitlerfree-trade/globalization looting, utilizing unbridled policetreatment” by a cabal of American-based Synarchists, ledstate power to achieve his aims.by Felix Rohatyn, Henry Kissinger, and George Shultz• Henry Kissinger, the National Security Advisor andChile under the 1970s and ’80s dictatorship of GeneralSecretary of State to President Nixon, who enthusiasticallyPinochet offers the clearest picture of what Cheney et al.promoted the Pinochet coup, at the very moment that hestill intend to impose on the United States—if given thewas formulating National Security Study Memorandumopportunity. The defeat of the Supreme Court nomination200 (NSSM-200), which asserted Anglo-American Coldof Judge Alito offers the immediate opportunity to deliverWar ownership of the planet’s strategic raw-materialsa killer blow to Rohatyn, Shultz, and Cheney’s scheme.wealth and an aggressive corollary doctrine of drastic pop-ulation reduction, through wars, disease and famine—allThe Other Sept. 11targetted at the Third World. Kissinger was the principalOn Sept. 11, 1973, Gen. Augusto Pinochet led a mili-American government official behind Operation Condor, atary coup that ousted the legitimately elected governmentright-wing death-squad apparatus that ran a “strategy ofof President Salvador Allende. The Pinochet coup wouldtension” terror war against the sovereign republics of3South American, which spilled over into continentalEurope, particularly Italy. One of Kissinger’s primaryassets in Operation Condor was the Propaganda Two (P-2)Freemasonic Lodge of World War II-era fascist Licio Gelli.The Chile of the Pinochet dictatorship, steered fromWall Street and the Nixon Administration by Rohatyn,Shultz, and Kissinger, is the model for what these sameindividuals and the Synarchist bankers cabal they repre-sent, have in mind for the U.S.A.—if they are not stopped.Carl SchmittThese are the issues before the U.S. Senate in the caseof Judge Alito. The doctrine of the “unitary executive” pro-moted by Alito is a carbon copy of the doctrine of lawdevised by Carl Schmitt to justify the Hitler dictatorship ofFebruary 1933 and the Pinochet dictatorship of Sept. 11,1973. In both the Hitler and Pinochet cases, Schmitt was“on the scene.” As the leading German jurist of the 1920sand ’30s, Schmitt wrote the legal opinion justifying Hitler’sReichstag Fire coup. Schmitt argued that the “charismaticleader” derives unbridled power from “the people” in timeof crisis, and that any form of government, based on a sys-tem of checks and balances, consensus, and separation ofpowers, is illegitimate, because it stands in the way of theabsolute ruler’s responsibility to “protect the people.”In the case of the Pinochet coup in Chile, Schmitt’sstudent-protégé Jaime Guzman, argued that the govern-ment had to use violence to impose order. Guzman wasthe sole source of legal justification for the Pinochetcoup and dictatorship, and he insisted that violence wasa precondition for success. In effect, Schmitt acolyteGuzman ran fascist Chile—in the name of the same doc-trine of “unitary executive” power that Schmitt had ear-lier codified in theFührerprinzip.It is the same doctrinethat Cheney et al. seek to impose today on the U.S.A.This is fascism—pure and simple—and it must becrushed, now, if the United States is to survive as a con-stitutional republic.Rohatyn, Pinochet, and the ‘Unitary Executive’steps transformed ITTThree giantof a telephone systemfrom the obscureoperatorin Puerto Rico,into a world conglomerate: 1) A contract to run thewhole Spanish telephone system for then-fascist dic-tator of Spain, Primo de Rivera, in 1923; 2) Lucrativebusiness in German war industry, after ITT founderSosthenes Behn became the first American business-man to meet dictator Hitler in 1933; and, 3) The wildmerger spree run by Lazard Frères and Felix Rohatynfrom 1961 into the 1970s.Rohatyn held the top post of Lazard Frères represen-tative on ITT’s board throughout its role in planningand executing Pinochet’s coup. Other officials, fromITT’s Chairman on down, have by now admitted theirfrequent top-level meetings on the subject inWashington and elsewhere, their offers of millions ofdollars, and some of their large expenditures for politi-cal destabilization and a coup in Chile. Rohatyn was incharge of knowing everything about ITT for Lazard; washe the only one in the dark? And would they have daredto undertake such a scheme without consulting him inadvance? No. A glance at the history of the bank makesit clear that it was Rohatyn and Lazard which instigatedthe conspiracy, along with the lower-level pro-fascistITT Director John McCone, rather than Harold Geneen.But in the meanwhile, the release of the Nixon tapesand the record of the Church Committee hearings of1975, have clarified Rohatyn’s and ITT’s relationship toa drift towards fascist-like dictatorship here in theUnited States. For now we know that it was that drift,in reality, not the Watergate burglary, which convincedU.S. institutions that it was imperative that RichardNixon be removed from the Presidency.ITT’s 1970-71 merger with the Hartford FireInsurance Company was opposed by the JusticeDepartment’s Anti-Trust Division under RichardMcLaren. Somehow, opposition collapsed afterRohatyn went over their head and began meetingwith Deputy Attorney General Richard Kleindienst.An ITT internal memo leaked through Jack Andersonimplied that ITT had won approval by pledging$400,000 to the Republican Convention, plus unspeci-fied “services.” It was this Hartford affair that gaveRohatyn his nickname, “Felix the Fixer.”But unknown at the time were Nixon’s telephonecalls. The day before his meeting with Rohatyn, thePresident telephoned Kleindienst, to say that hewould no longer tolerate any antitrust action againstITT. “If [that’s] not understood, McLaren’s ass is to beout of there in one hour. The ITT thing—stay the hellout of it. Is that clear? That’s an order.”Kleindienst tried to stall. He told the President howdifficult it would be to interfere so late in the game.The President became enraged. “The order is to leavethe goddamned thing alone. . . . I do not want McLarento run around prosecuting people, raising hell aboutconglomerates, stirring things up at this point. . . .”Kleindienst tried again to explain how difficult itwas to stifle such an appeal now. “You son of a bitch.Don’t you understand the English language? Drop thegoddamned thing. Is that clear?” (See Judith RamseyEhrlich and Barry J. Rehfeld,The New Crowd[Little,Brown: New York, 1989, p. 99]).It was also unknown at the time that ITT (andLazard client RCA) were giving tapes of all their inter-national message traffic to the NSA, so that FBI andJustice could monitor Nixon’s enemies.—TonyPapert4
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